“The Century of Flight” Walkway & Compass Plaza Completed in 2002, the Chico Municipal Airport Parking Lot provided an art opportunity in the form of a 300 foot pedestrian walkway leading directly to the airport terminal building. This airport has a century long history at this location; each decade had one major event symbolized every 30 feet with a sandblasted image in the concrete. This was a team project with City of Chico Public Works Department.
“The Century of Flight” Kerns Plaza A rock wall with a built in bench, offers a view of the high-fired porcelain enamel plaque legend. This plaque a has photographic image of local boy aviator Thaddeus Kerns and serves as a guide to the images of historic events that occurred at this airport site. There are 11 recycled airplane propellers installed at various locations along the length of the walkway that were solicited as a donation to the artwork from AERO Union, a local aviation contractor.